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I started to learn about machine learning more then 10 years ago. Since then I participated in many research and industry projects. I have obtained my PhD degree at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE). I developed novel algorithms for heart ventricle segmentation from cardiac magnetic resonance images.
I taught some subjects (mostly C++ and AI seminars) at BUTE. I was also a guest teacher (reinforcement learning) at Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.
In the summer of 2019, we started our startup, called Routepatch, to build better route planning systems for food delivery companies. We did not find product market fit but we have tried hard for creating other products by pivoting. We tried to deliver customized solutions for companies, including an application for helping dancers to learn the basics of movements via an online course. The AI helped to evaluate their performance. In 2022, I left, as I saw no more opportunities in the company.
Since then, I am working at TC&C as a senior machine learning engineer. Currently, I am an AI project manager, responsible to lead the deepfake detection project. This project is in collaboration with BUTE. Our goal is to create solutions against the deepfake posed challenges like impersonation attacks.
In my spare time, I work on AI core technology, mostly in open source. Currently I am building tutorials and a deep learning compiler from scratch. I really enjoy working with high tech, and implementing complex algorithms for accelerators (gpus and AI chips).